2025 NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Award Info:
Awards to support Track 1 (Institutional Capacity Building) projects may not exceed $1,000,000 total over a maximum duration of 6 years. Awards to support Track 2 (Implementation: Single Institution) projects may not exceed $2,500,000 total over a maximum duration of 6 years. Awards to support Track 3 (Inter-institutional Consortia) projects may not exceed $5,000,000 total over a maximum duration of 6 years.
The main goal of the S-STEM program is to enable low-income students with academic ability, talent or potential to pursue successful careers in promising STEM fields. Ultimately, the S-STEM program seeks to increase the number of academically promising low-income students who graduate with a S-STEM eligible degree and contribute to the American innovation economy with their STEM knowledge. Recognizing that financial aid alone cannot increase retention and graduation in STEM, the program provides awards to institutions of higher education (IHEs) not only to fund scholarships, but also to adapt, implement, and study evidence-based curricular and co-curricular1 activities that have been shown to be effective supporting recruitment, retention, transfer (if appropriate), student success, academic/career pathways, and graduation in STEM.