
Addressing Systems Challenges through Engineering Teams (ASCENT)

Award Info:

4 to 6 each from $1,000,000 to $1,500,000 for a period of four years


The intent of the ASCENT program is to stimulate collaborations among different ECCS sub-communities and to enable synergistic effort addressing large-scale cross-disciplinary problems whose solutions are beyond the scope of individual or divided efforts. ASCENT projects are expected to capitalize on innovations in hardware with those in algorithms, architectures, and data-driven methods, for example, to enable the penetration of the advanced analog and digital devices, light sources, and sensors into breakthrough system-level solutions. Collaborations across research communities in devices, circuits, algorithms, communications, dynamics and controls, and machine learning are highly encouraged. Research ideas for an ASCENT project will be of much larger scope than a core unsolicited project. At the same time, an ASCENT project should not be just a conglomeration of multiple disparate efforts and must be well-integrated in terms of both collaboration and research outcomes.