
Early-Career Research Fellowship

Award Info:

There are four different tracks:

  • Human Health and Community Resilience
  • Environmental Protection and Stewardship
  • Offshore Energy Safety
  • Education Research

Award Amount: 

  • An award of $76,000 is paid to each fellow’s institution in the form of a two-year grant.


  • Hold a permanent, fully independent position as an investigator, faculty member, clinician scientist, or scientific team lead in industry, academia, or a research organization. A postdoc is not considered a fully independent position.
  • Be an early-career scientist who has received their eligible degree within the past 10 years (on or after September 1, 2012).
  • Hold a doctoral degree (e.g., PhD, ScD, EngD, MD, DrPH) in the social and behavioral sciences, health sciences and medicine, engineering and physical sciences, earth and life sciences, or interdisciplinary scientific fields relevant to the charge of the Gulf Research Program.
  • Be affiliated with a non-federal U.S. institution that has a valid tax ID number.
  • Not be currently employed by the U.S. federal government.


The Gulf Research Program’s Early-Career Research Fellowship supports emerging scientific leaders as they take risks on research ideas not yet tested, pursue unique collaborations, and build a network of colleagues who share their interest in improving offshore energy system safety and the well-being of coastal communities and ecosystems.

Because the early years of a researcher’s career are a critical time, the relatively unrestricted funds and mentoring this fellowship provides help recipients navigate this period with independence, flexibility, and a built-in support network.