
Graduate Women In Science National Fellowship Program

Award Info:

Applicants may propose research projects up to 12 month. The fellowship may not be renewed. The period of the award is one academic year (July 1st through June 30th).
A maximum of $10,000 may be requested - any proposal requesting over $10,000 will be automatically disqualified.

Fellowship funds can be used for the following:
expendable supplies
small equipment to be used by recipient (not for general use)
publication of research findings
travel and subsistence while performing field studies
travel to another laboratory for collaborative research
undergraduate collaborators (up to 1/3 of the total requested amount)
study subjects' compensation

Funds cannot be used for the following:
child care
travel to professional meetings or to begin a new appointment
travel to another institution for course work
training or workshop
administrative overhead or indirect costs
tablets, laptops, and personal computers
living allowances
equipment for general use 


The Graduate Women In Science (GWIS) National Fellowship Program promotes knowledge in the natural and social sciences and encourages women’s academic and professional careers in the sciences. In support of our mission to cultivate a strong global community, GWIS seeks to recognize merit-based scholarship and sustained personal engagement with underrepresented communities.