
Investigator Program

Award Info:

-Investigators are employees of HHMI and receive salary and benefits from the Institute.
-Investigators are provided generous financial support for research as well as access to capital equipment funds.
-Investigators belong to a community of nearly 300 investigators as well as other HHMI-funded scientists. They annually attend one of several scientific meetings that highlight science within the Institute.
-Appointments involve a collaborative agreement with the investigator’s host institution, where the researcher holds a concurrent appointment and the research is performed.


The HHMI investigator appointment has a seven-year renewable term. Renewal decisions are made by HHMI scientific leadership, based on assessment by a panel of distinguished scientists, including members of HHMI advisory boards.

-Hold a PhD and/or MD (or the equivalent).
-Have a tenured or tenure-track position as an assistant professor or higher academic rank (or the equivalent) at an eligible US institution.-
-Have more than five but no more than 15 years of post-training, professional experience.
-Are the principal investigator on one or more active, national peer-reviewed research grants with an initial duration of at least three years as of April 1, 2020. Mentored awards and training grants do not qualify. Multi-investigator grants may qualify.