
National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Institutional Partnership Pilot (NRT-IPP) Program

Award Info:

Eligible R1 and non-R1 IHEs may participate in one (1) proposal as a non-lead partner.


NRT-IPP awards (approximately 5 awards each year) are expected to be up to five (5) years in duration with a total budget up to $4,500,000.

No more than 30% of the total award budget can be provided to the non-lead IHE partner. Collaborative proposals may only be submitted as a single proposal, in which a single award is being requested (with subawards administered by the lead organization). Simultaneous submission of collaborative proposals from different organizations, with each organization requesting a separate award, is not permitted.


This solicitation describes a pilot for a potential new track for the existing NRT Program that will support research and education projects that will result in a new master’s degree, certificate, or a track within an existing master’s or Ph.D. program with high industry relevance in at least one focus area identified in this pilot. This will be accomplished through an effective partnership among: (a) a non-R1 Institution of Higher Education (IHE) (lead institution), (b) an non-lead IHE (an R1 or non-R1) that has either an ongoing or completed NRT program in at least one of the focus areas defined for this pilot (see below), and (c) two to three industry partners in the same focus area(s).