
NCI Outstanding Investigator Award (R35 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Award Info:

Awards will be for $600,000 direct costs per year, plus applicable Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs to be determined at the time of award.
The total project period may not exceed 7 years.

1) Applications must be submitted by Institutions who have nominated a Program Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) with outstanding cancer research accomplishments during the last 5 consecutive calendar years.

2)The Institution-nominated PD/PI must have been a PD/PI or Project Leader of a research project (on a NIH-defined multi-project grant e.g., P01, P50, U54) excluding cores, on an eligible NCI research grant(s) continuously since September 2016. Continuous funding is defined as receiving a Notice of Award as PD/PI for an eligible NCI funded research grant in each Federal Fiscal Year beginning in FY 2016 onward. Continuous funding does not include grants in a funded or unfunded extension. Eligible NCI research grant mechanisms are defined as R01, R15, R33, R35, R37, P01, P50, U01, U54, UM1, U19, U10, DP1, and DP2.

3) Due to the nature of this award, applicants are required to devote at least 6 person months effort to the OIA. Applicants with administrative responsibilities or other duties inconsistent with this time commitment may apply but must reduce those other commitments to accept the award.

4) PDs/PIs with effort on other grant support will be expected to provide, as part of the Just-in-Time information, a detailed explanation describing how effort on his/her other grants will be adjusted, if necessary, to permit 6 person months on the OIA.

5) PD/PIs will need to renegotiate their time and effort on other grant support, if necessary, in order to accommodate the OIA level of effort.


The Outstanding Investigator Award (R35) is meant to support the cancer research program of individual scientists of exceptional creativity, demonstrated outstanding research productivity, and seminal past contributions in cancer research.
The objective of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Outstanding Investigator Award (OIA) is to provide long-term support to accomplished investigators with outstanding records of cancer research productivity who propose to conduct exceptional research. The OIA is intended to allow investigators the opportunity to take greater risks, be more adventurous in their lines of inquiry, or take the time to develop new techniques. The OIA would allow an Institution to submit applications nominating established Program Directors/Principal Investigators (PDs/PIs) for the NCI OIA.