
NEA Research Labs Program

Award Info:

Based on the availability of funding, cooperative agreements of up to $150,000 will be awarded. The Arts Endowment’s legislation and policies generally require that each cooperative agreement includes a nonfederal match/cost share of at least 1 to 1.
Our support of a project may start on or after March 1, 2022. The period of performance is a minimum of 12 months and a maximum of 24 months.


NEA Research Labs will define their own related agendas; conduct project activities to implement that agenda; and prepare reports and other products or services that will contribute substantively to a wider understanding of one of three areas of special interest to the Arts Endowment:

  • The Arts, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation
  • The Arts, Creativity, Cognition, and Learning
  • The Arts, Health, and Social/Emotional Well-Being

NEA Research Labs serve as “hubs” or centers of excellence in the domain of interest. Each NEA Research Lab will develop a pipeline of projects or products, including a website, while conducting at least one major study. In addition, NEA Research Labs may be required to provide ad hoc analyses or fulfill information requests from the Arts Endowment concerning the research agenda. Such requests will not involve new data collection and will take place only during the Arts Endowment’s period of performance.

Each NEA Research Lab must include these activities:

  1. The design and publication of an evidence-based research agenda;
  2. The planning and implementation of a keystone study, or a series of studies;
  3. The production of at least one research report for each research study;
  4. The fulfillment of ad hoc analyses or information requests concerning the NEA Research Lab’s research agenda; and
  5. The dissemination of research projects, study findings, data, tools, or services to other researchers, arts practitioners, and the general public.