
Translational Research Program (TRP)

Award Info:

Limited to a maximum of $200,000.00 annually, which includes direct costs and a maximum overhead of $19,982.00 or 11.1 percent of direct costs per year for three years. Budget requests must be carefully justified and commensurate with the project's needs.

LLS welcomes applications from both US citizens and non-citizens, as well as applicants who are performing research outside the US. Applicants must be appointed to a not-for-profit institution at the time of application submission.


The Translational Research Program (TRP) was formed to enhance the transfer of basic research findings to clinical usefulness.Applications are sought that propose novel approaches to the prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of hematological malignancies and related pre-malignant conditions. Proposals should be based on molecular, cellular, or integrated systems findings and be conceptually innovative. The application should have a clear plan for the eventual clinical translation of the studies proposed and the results expected. This feature will be an important consideration of the review process.