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Troland Research Awards
Award Info:
Early-career researchers (preferably 45 years of age or younger).
Two Troland Research Awards of $75,000 are given annually to recognize unusual achievement by early-career researchers (preferably 45 years of age or younger) and to further empirical research within the broad spectrum of experimental psychology. The Troland Research Award was established by a trust…
Campus Cyberinfrastructure (CC*)
Award Info:
CC* awards will be supported in five program areas:
1) Data-Driven Networking Infrastructure for the Campus and Researcher awards will be supported at up to $500,000 total for up to 2 years;
2) Regional Connectivity for Small Institutions of Higher Education awards will be supported at…
The CC* solicitation invests in coordinated campus-level networking and cyberinfrastructure improvements, innovation, integration, and engineering for science applications and distributed research projects. Science-driven requirements are the primary motivation for any proposed activity.
Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowships in Women’s Studies
Award Info:
Eight Fellows will receive $5,000 to be used for expenses connected with completing their dissertations
The Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship in Women’s Studies encourages original and significant research about women that crosses disciplinary, regional, or cultural boundaries. Previous Fellows have explored such topics as transnational religious education for Muslim women, the complex gender…
New Practitioner Pharmacist Leadership Development Grant Program
Award Info:
This competitive grant program supports research projects focused on leadership competency development and conducted by new practitioner pharmacists (within 5 years of their pharmacy degree, including those who are currently in ASHP-accredited residency programs). Only ASHP members are eligible to apply.…
The ASHP Research and Education Foundation (ASHP Foundation) is offering a competitive grant program for projects to be conducted by new practitioner pharmacists (within 5 years of their pharmacy degree, including those who are currently in ASHP-accredited residency programs).
OREF Total Joint Replacement Research Grant in Memory of Jorge O. Galante, MD
Award Info:
The PI must be a new investigator. A new investigator is classified as an individual who has not received an R01 National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant or its equivalent (e.g., VA, DOD, NSF) as a PI. Multidisciplinary research activity is always encouraged. The principal investigator (PI) must be…
OREF encourages investigator-initiated research proposals focused on total joint replacement. Areas of research focus may include: New surgical techniques, devices, joint implant designs, joint implant materials, or the biology of disease and repair. OREF strongly encourages the submission of well-crafted…
MRA General RFP
Award Info:
Applicants must be within four years of their first independent, full time academic faculty appointment at the time of application at the level of Assistant Professor (or equivalent position). Fellows or others who are in training are not eligible to apply.
Up to $1,500,000. Co-funding is…
The Melanoma Research Alliance (MRA) announces a Request for Proposals (RFP) soliciting high-impact pre-clinical, translational, and early clinical research from scientists and clinicians around the world. The RFP calls for ideas that have the potential to lead to near-term clinical application in melanoma…
Young Faculty Award (YFA)
Award Info:
"Participation is open to individuals who are U.S. Citizens, U.S. Permanent Residents, and Foreign Nationals who meet the eligibility criteria listed below:
• Proposers must be one of the following (excluding any personal leaves of absence) by the full proposal deadline listed in Part One:…
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Young Faculty Award (YFA) program aims to identify and engage rising stars in junior faculty positions in academia and equivalent positions at non-profit research institutions and expose them to Department of Defense (DoD) and National Security challenges…
National Glaucoma Research Grant
Award Info:
Standard Award Amount: $100,000 per year
Postdoctoral Fellowship Amount: $75,000 per year
Award durations: up to 2 years
BrightFocus provides research funds for U.S. and international researchers pursuing pioneering research leading to greater understanding, prevention, and treatment of glaucoma. Preference is made for exciting pilot projects that would not, at their present stage, be competitive for large government or…
Research Fellowship
Award Info:
We expect to award two or three fellowships of up to $20,000 each. Announcement of the awards will be made in Spring 2022. Duration is for one to two years.
The partners of Second Century Stewardship announce the availability of Research Fellowships to support research in Acadia National Park. Second Century Stewardship (SCS) was founded in 2016 and is a public-private partnership led by Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park, the National Park Service…
Alkermes Pathways Research Awards®
Award Info:
The Alkermes Pathways Research Awards® program provides opportunities for individual grants of up to $100,000 per research project for early-career investigators focused on research relating to schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, alcohol use disorder (AUD) or opioid use disorder (OUD).
With millions of people impacted by neurological disorders, more research is urgently needed to advance science in this area. The Alkermes Pathways Research Awards® program is designed to support the next generation of researchers who are working on the front lines to advance our understanding…