Opportunities with deadlines
for all applicants
Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST)
Award Info:
ITEST expects to fund between 22 and 30 awards per year depending on the type of proposal and funding level.
6 to 8 awards for Exploring Theory and Design Principles for Innovations (ETD) with durations up to three years and budgets up to $400,000;
8 to 10 awards for Developing and Testing…
ITEST is an applied research and development (R&D) program providing direct student learning opportunities in pre-kindergarten through high school (PreK-12). The learning opportunities are based on innovative use of technology to strengthen knowledge and interest in science, technology, engineering,…
Neurotoxin Exposure Treatment Parkinson’s Program Investigator-Initiated Research Award
Award Info:
Independent investigators at or above the level of Assistant Professor (or equivalent) are eligible to be named as the PI. The NETP Program IIRA requires that the PI dedicate at least 15% of their full-time professional effort to this award during the award period.
The NETP Program IIRA supports highly rigorous, multidisciplinary, high-impact research projects that have the potential to make an important contribution to neurotoxin exposure and treatment-related Parkinson’s research. This award mechanism supports the full spectrum of research from basic science…
NNF Laureate Research Grant
Award Info:
- Up to 2 NNF Laureate Research Grants will be awarded in 2022.
- Grants up to DKK 50 million (EUR ~6.7 M, USD ~8 M) for a period of 7 years. Up to DKK 14 million may be utilized for establishment of the laboratory during the first year, with following years funded at up…
NNF Laureate Research Grants are for outstanding established scientists to come to Denmark to strengthen their groundbreaking research programs. These grants provide funding for research leaders to conduct large and long-term projects with transformative potential. The NNF is seeking to support exceptional…
Lupus Research Program Idea Award
Award Info:
All investigators at or above the level of postdoctoral fellow (or equivalent) are eligible.
The LRP Idea Award supports innovative, high-risk/high-reward research that could ultimately lead to a critical discovery or major advancement relevant to lupus. This award mechanism supports studies that have the potential to reveal entirely new avenues for investigation. The LRP mission is to fund…
AGA-Pfizer Pilot Research Award in Inflammatory Bowel Disease $30,000
Award Info:
This award provides $30,000 for one year to independent investigators at any career stage researching new directions focused on improving the diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Funding for this award is provided by Pfizer, Inc.
Applicants for this award must hold…
The objective of this AGA Research Foundation Pilot Research Award is to provide funds for early career investigators to help establish their research careers or to support projects that represent new research directions for established investigators. Projects must focus on new research areas that could…
Translational Research Program (TRP)
Award Info:
Limited to a maximum of $200,000.00 annually, which includes direct costs and a maximum overhead of $19,982.00 or 11.1 percent of direct costs per year for three years. Budget requests must be carefully justified and commensurate with the project's needs.
The Translational Research Program (TRP) was formed to enhance the transfer of basic research findings to clinical usefulness.Applications are sought that propose novel approaches to the prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of hematological malignancies and related pre-malignant conditions. Proposals…
Lupus Research Program Impact Award
Award Info:
The LRP Impact Award encourages applications that support the full spectrum of research projects or ideas that specifically focus on scientific and clinical lupus issues, which, if successfully addressed, have the potential to make a major impact in lupus research and/or lupus disease. Applications should…
The LRP mission is to fund research to understand, prevent, and diagnose lupus and to improve treatments and quality of life of patients, including Service members, Veterans, and beneficiaries.
The LRP vision is to cure lupus through partnership of scientists, clinicians, and consumers.
Lupus Research Program Transformative Vision Award
Award Info:
Independent investigators at or above the level of Assistant Professor (or equivalent) are eligible
to be named by the applicant organization as the PI.
The LRP mission is to fund research to understand, prevent, and diagnose lupus and to improve treatments and quality of life of patients, including Service members, Veterans, and beneficiaries.
The LRP vision is to cure lupus through partnership of scientists, clinicians, and consumers.
Award Info:
Proposals from young investigators, established principal investigators and clinicians, scientists from other disciplines, and individuals with innovative new ideas for A-T research are encouraged, from academia as well as industry. Scientists from the US and around the globe are welcome to apply for…
The A-T Children’s Project provides competitive awards primarily for translational and clinical research grants related to ataxia-telangiectasia. One and two-year projects are funded up to a maximum total direct cost of $75,000 per year. No administrative overhead or fixed costs are supported.
Award Info:
The Foundation supports charitable causes and projects in six main categories. These are:
- Maritime
- Education
- Medical & Disability
- Music
- Arts
- Community Projects
The Foundation’s Trustees fund projects requiring either capital or revenue support. There is no general limit to the grant which can be awarded to any one project. Most grants given are for less than £30,000. In the past the Trustees have given larger grants to major one-off projects or…