
Investigator-Initiated Grants for Orhtopaedic Research

Award Info:

$5,000 gran

Who Applies:
Domestic non-profit, public and private institutions of higher education, such as hospitals, medical schools, universities and colleges.
The applicant (PI) must be an orthopaedic surgery resident in an ACGME-Accredited orthopaedic program in… 


The goal of the annual program is to produce the next generation of clinician-educators by enabling applicants to improve their teaching skills through the acquisition of education tools and support for projects aimed at advancing any aspect of nephrology education and teaching. To that end, grants of… 

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Research Starter Grants

Award Info:

This program provides a research grant of $100,000 for one year

The “starter” aspect of the program strives to assist individuals who are establishing careers as independent investigators. The program is not offered as a means to augment an ongoing research effort. Funds must be… 


The PhRMA Foundation Research Starter Grants help promising young scientists advance their research projects. Research Starter Grants offer financial support to individuals beginning independent research careers at the faculty level.

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Small Grants

Award Info:

Applicants must be advanced doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows, or non-tenured junior faculty members who are no more than two years beyond the receipt of their Ph.D. (or equivalent graduate degree). There are no limitations on the disciplinary background of the researcher. The Foundation… 


RSF offers small grants to doctoral students at the dissertation stage and recent Ph.D. recipients to support innovative, high-quality research and to encourage young investigators to enter these developing interdisciplinary fields. Small grants are currently offered under the Foundation’s program… 

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Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program (PRCRP)

Award Info:

Congressionally Directed Topic Areas: The PRCRP appropriation of $110,000,000 will provide funds for research into cancers not addressed in the breast, pancreatic, prostate, ovarian, kidney, lung, melanoma, and rare cancer research programs. To be considered for funding, applications for the FY20… 


The PRCRP is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to the anticipated FY20 funding opportunity. This pre-announcement should not be construed as an obligation by the Government. The FY20 PRCRP Program Announcements and… 

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Understanding Dynamic and Multi-scale Systems: 21st Century Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards

Award Info:

-$200,000 USD to be expended in no less than 2 and no more than 3 years. Recently, JSMF has experienced Fellows using less than 50% of the fellowship funds. If you do not believe that you are committed to pursuing 2-to-3-year postdoctoral research please reconsider applying.
-The cost of the full… 


The fellowship is geared to students near the completion of their doctoral training and committed to acquiring new skills and experience in a multi-disciplinary field such as complex systems science. This fellowship is targeted towards students who wish to broaden their research experience and require… 

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Explorer Awards

Award Info:

Award Amount: 
The maximum budget is $80,000, including indirect costs for one (1) year, non-renewable.

All applicants and key collaborators must hold a Ph.D., M.D. or equivalent degree and have a faculty position or the equivalent at a college, university,… 


Explorer Awards are intended to provide resources to support exploratory experiments that will strengthen hypotheses and lead to the formulation of competitive applications for subsequent larger-scale funding by SFARI or other organizations. Innovative, high-risk/high-impact proposals are prioritized.… 

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ISSCR Dr. Susan Lim Award for Outstanding Young Investigator

Award Info:

  • $15,000 USD personal award plus a complimentary registration to the ISSCR Annual Meeting where they will be honored.
  • Nominees must be independent investigators conducting original research in basic science or clinical development and translation in the field of stem cell research.
  • Nominees… 


The ISSCR Dr. Susan Lim Award for Outstanding Young Investigator, supported by the Dr. Susan Lim Endowment for Education and Research Ltd., recognizes the exceptional achievements of an investigator in the early part of their independent career in stem cell research.

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Cottrell Scholars Award

Award Info:

Cottrell Scholar Awards are for three-year projects in the amount of $100,000 for the entire project. Budgets are not required.

Pre-Proposal deadline in mid-April.


The Cottrell Scholar Award (CSA) is available to early career faculty at US research universities and primarily undergraduate institutions. Eligible applicants are tenure-track faculty members who hold an appointment in a chemistry, physics or astronomy department that offers bachelor's and/or graduate… 

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Innovation Award

Award Info:

The Stage 1 award will be for two years, $200,000 per year ($400,000 total) with the opportunity for up to two additional years of funding (up to four years total for $800,000). Stage 2 support for years three and four will be granted to those awardees who demonstrate progress on their proposed research… 


The Damon Runyon-Rachleff Innovation Award is designed to provide support for the next generation of exceptionally creative thinkers with “high-risk/high-reward” ideas that have the potential to significantly impact our understanding of and/or approaches to the prevention, diagnosis or treatment… 

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The Stanley J. Dudrick Research Scholar Award

Award Info:

This award includes:

  • $2,500
  • Recognition during the Dudrick Symposium at the ASPEN Nutrition Science and Practice Conference
  • The honor of planning and chairing ASPEN’s Dudrick Symposium at the following year’s Nutrition Science and Practice Conference
  • Opportunity… 


The Stanley J. Dudrick Research Scholar Award honors mid-career investigators who have made significant achievements in nutrition support research.

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