
Call for Rapid Access Proposals for COVID-19 Research

Award Info:

Researchers who would like to use these resources should submit a short rapid access proposal, outlining experiment aims and scope, at https://snsapp1.sns.ornl.gov/xprod_ro/f?p=109:26. A facility scientist will contact you regarding your proposal within 2 days. Scientific and technical questions should… 


With the continuing spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Energy Basic Energy Sciences neutron sources will provide remote rapid access to support research into the COVID-19 virus and the search for effective diagnostics and therapies. Beamlines that will be made available at the Spallation… 

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NSF Statistics Research, Analysis & Data Visualization

Award Info:

Opportunity includes full-time one year appointment and may be extended contingent upon project needs and funding availability. The maximum time a participant can remain in the ORISE program is five years from his/her initial start date.


NCSES is seeking participant involvement in a variety of interesting and original activities. These challenging projects make use of expertise from a variety of fields such as research and analysis, statistics, economics, survey methodology, demography, data science, data visualization, graphic… 

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