
SME Foundation Scholarship

Award Info:

Visit the website to discover the many different scholarships available. By submitting one application, applicants are considered for every scholarship for which they are elgible. Awards range from $2,500 - $20,000.


The SME Education Foundation is proud to award scholarships for manufacturing students looking for an advanced degree. Students enrolled in advanced manufacturing education need to dedicate time to their studies: Our scholarships help them take on the financial burden while allowing students to focus… 

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Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)

Award Info:

  • $7,810 student stipend paid for the 11-week summer stipend ($710 per week)
  • $4,500 for housing
  • $500 for travel for students who need to relocate

Internships - This is a continuous 11-week appointment scheduled May 19, 2025 to August 1, 2025. Students are appointed… 


The SURF Program is designed to inspire undergraduate students to pursue careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) through a unique research experience that supports the NIST mission. Since 1993, SURF students from across the country have had the opportunity to gain valuable,… 

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Beth Rom Rymer Scholarships

Award Info:

Up to nine $5,000 scholarships


The Beth N. Rom-Rymer Scholarships provide support to both graduate students and practicing, licensed psychologists to complete their training in psychopharmacology programs, which adhere to the APA model curriculum of didactic training in clinical psychopharmacology.

The purpose of the scholarships… 

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Henry P. David Grants for Research in Human Reproductive Behavior and Population Studies

Award Info:

$1,000 for work in the behavioral aspects of human reproductive behavior or an area related to population concerns.


The American Psychological Foundation’s Henry David Fund was established to support young psychologists with a demonstrated interest in the behavioral aspects of human reproductive behavior or an area related to population concerns.

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APF Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford Grant

Award Info:

Amount: 1 grant of $3,750


The Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford Grant will support graduate students and early career researchers conducting work focusing on the understanding, prevention and/or treatment of the consequences of exposure to traumatic events such as sexual assault, sexual harassment and/or rape.

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URA Visiting Scholars Program (VSP)

Award Info:

Applications are judged on the scientific merit of the proposed activity and on the cost-effectiveness of the proposal. As all URA institutions contribute to this program, over time, some consideration is given to the balance among URA institutions, both by region and type. Consideration is also given… 


The URA Visiting Scholars Program (VSP) supports the work of faculty and students from the Universities Research Association, Inc. (URA) institutions to work at Fermilab for periods of up to one year. The URA Visiting Scholars Program is supported by contributions from the URA-member universities.


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Link Foundation Fellowships in Modeling, Simulation and Training

Award Info:

1 year renewable fellowships of $34,000


The Modeling, Simulation, and Training Fellowship Program was put in place by the foundation in 1990 and the first awards made in 1991. Grants are awarded by a selection committee to qualifying doctoral students. Through 2016 the Foundation has made approximately $14.8 million worth—to qualifying… 

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Link Foundation Modeling, Simulation, and Training Fellowships

Award Info:

1 YEAR RENEWABLE FELLOWSHIPS of $35,000 for PhD students in areas that Modeling, Simulation, and Training.

Examples of charges NOT considered appropriate include:

  • Tuition – it is expected that the Fellow’s institution will waive or assume tuition charges.
  • Summer… 


The Link Foundation Modeling, Simulation, and Training Program was put in place with the following objectives:

  • To foster advanced level research in modeling, simulation, and training
  • To enable Ph.D. students the freedom to work on their research full time
  • To disseminate… 

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Mid-Career Advancement (MCA)

Award Info:

Applicants must be a) at the Associate Professor rank and b) at that rank for at least 3 years by the proposal submission date.

  • Estimated number of awards: 35 - 45 
  • Anticipated Funding Amount: $14,000,000 - $18,000,000
    • Estimated program budget, number of awards… 


An academic career often does not provide the uninterrupted stretches of time necessary for acquiring and building new skills to enhance and advance one's research program. Mid-career scientists in particular are at a critical career stage where they need to advance their research programs to ensure… 

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Summer Student Fellowship Fight for Sight

Award Info:

Unrestricted awards of $2,500 are given for two to three months of full-time research, usually during June-August. Students receiving stipends from other sources are generally not eligible.


Summer Student Fellowships are available to undergraduate, graduate and medical students who are interested in pursuing eye-related clinical or basic research. For most students, this is their first exposure to eye or vision research and the experience has resulted in many students choosing academic… 

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