
Research-Practice Partnership (RPP) Grants Program

Award Info:

The Research-Practice Partnership (RPP) Grants Program is intended to support education research projects that engage in collaborative and participatory partnerships with project budgets up to $400,000 and durations of up to three years. We accept Intent to Apply forms once a year in this program.


We view partnerships as an important approach to knowledge generation and the improvement of education, broadly construed. Over the long term, we anticipate that research conducted by RPPs will result in new insights into the processes, practices, and policies that improve education for students, educators,… 

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Call for Rapid Access Proposals for COVID-19 Research

Award Info:

Researchers who would like to use these resources should submit a short rapid access proposal, outlining experiment aims and scope, at https://snsapp1.sns.ornl.gov/xprod_ro/f?p=109:26. A facility scientist will contact you regarding your proposal within 2 days. Scientific and technical questions should… 


With the continuing spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Energy Basic Energy Sciences neutron sources will provide remote rapid access to support research into the COVID-19 virus and the search for effective diagnostics and therapies. Beamlines that will be made available at the Spallation… 

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NSF Statistics Research, Analysis & Data Visualization

Award Info:

Opportunity includes full-time one year appointment and may be extended contingent upon project needs and funding availability. The maximum time a participant can remain in the ORISE program is five years from his/her initial start date.


NCSES is seeking participant involvement in a variety of interesting and original activities. These challenging projects make use of expertise from a variety of fields such as research and analysis, statistics, economics, survey methodology, demography, data science, data visualization, graphic… 

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Infrastructure Innovation for Biological Research (Innovation)

Award Info:

Estimated Number of Awards: 20 to 40

Actual number of awards may vary depending on the split of funds across the different programs, which in turn may vary according to submission distribution, individual proposal merits, and budget amounts, and availability of funds.



The Infrastructure Innovation for Biological Research Program (Innovation) supports research to design novel or greatly improved research tools and methods that advance contemporary biology in any research area supported by the Biological Sciences Directorate at NSF. The Innovation Program focuses on… 

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Sustaining Infrastructure for Biological Research (Sustaining)

Award Info:

Estimated Number of Awards: 1 to 3

Approximately 1-3 new awards will be made per year.

Anticipated Funding Amount: $5,000,000

Approximately $5 Million is anticipated for this activity. Funding levels for awards vary and are contingent upon availability of funds and demand… 


The Sustaining Infrastructure for Biological Research Program (Sustaining) supports the continued operation of existing research infrastructure that advances contemporary biology in any research area supported by the Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) at NSF. The Sustaining Program focuses primarily… 

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Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC)

Award Info:

January 29, 2021 - LARGE proposals
SMALL, MEDIUM, and EDU projects accepted anytime

CORE and TTP proposals may be submitted in one of the following project size classes:

Small projects: up to $500,000 in total budget, with durations of up to three years; and


The goals of the SaTC program are aligned with the National Science and Technology Council's (NSTC) Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan (RDSP) and National Privacy Research Strategy (NPRS) to protect and preserve the growing social and economic benefits of cyber systems while… 

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