
CyberCorps(R) Scholarship for Service (SFS) - 2024

Award Info:

The SFS Scholarship award supports up to three years of stipends, tuition, and allowances for students in the general area of cybersecurity. The scholarships provide academic year stipends of $25,000 per year for undergraduate students and $34,000 per year for graduate students


The goals of the CyberCorps(R): Scholarship for Service (SFS) program are aligned with the U.S. strategy to develop a superior cybersecurity workforce. These goals are to increase the quantity of new entrants to the government cyber workforce, to increase the national capacity for the education of… 

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2023/2024-ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions

Award Info:

Approximately two Institutional Transformation awards up to $3,000,000 for five-year projects are expected to be made under this solicitation. In each year, NSF expects to make: approximately six Adaptation awards up to $1,000,000 for three years; approximately six Partnership awards up to $1,000,000… 


All NSF ADVANCE proposals are expected to take an intersectional approach regarding the salient categories of social identity for the project. Specifically, proposers should recognize that gender, race and ethnicity do not exist in isolation from each other and other categories of social identity,… 

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NSF Regional Innovation Engines 2024

Award Info:

The overall number of awards will be determined by the number of high-quality proposals received and the availability of funds appropriated by Congress. NSF Engines can be funded for up to ten years, with an initial award for the first two years and subsequent awards for years 3-5 and 6-10, based… 


The mission of the NSF Engines program is  to accelerate the development of sustainable, inclusive, and geographically diverse regional innovation ecosystems that advance key technologies and address pressing regional, national, societal, and/or geostrategic challenges.

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Accelerating Research Translation (ART)

Award Info:

Up to 10 awards per round of this solicitation, with up to $6,000,000 per award and a duration of 4 years, are anticipated.


The National Science Foundation (NSF) seeks to increase the scale and pace of advancing discoveries made while conducting academic research into tangible solutions that benefit the public. This is the primary aim of the "Accelerating Research Translation" (ART) program. Specifically, the primary goals… 

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National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Institutional Partnership Pilot (NRT-IPP) Program

Award Info:

Eligible R1 and non-R1 IHEs may participate in one (1) proposal as a non-lead partner.


NRT-IPP awards (approximately 5 awards each year) are expected to be up to five (5) years in duration with a total budget up to $4,500,000.

No more than 30% of the total award budget… 


This solicitation describes a pilot for a potential new track for the existing NRT Program that will support research and education projects that will result in a new master’s degree, certificate, or a track within an existing master’s or Ph.D. program with high industry relevance in at… 

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2024 National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program

Award Info:

NRT Awards (14-15 anticipated each year) are expected to be up to five (5) years in duration with a total budget up to $3,000,000.


The NRT Program is dedicated to supporting highly effective training of STEM graduate students in high priority interdisciplinary or convergent research areas through the use of comprehensive traineeship models that are innovative, evidence-based, and aligned with changing workforce and research needs.


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NIH Neuroscience Development for Advancing the Careers of a Diverse Research Workforce (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Award Info:

Application budgets are limited to a maximum of $250,000 direct cost per year, and must reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.


The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH.  The overarching goal of this R25 program is to support educational activities that encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups underrepresented in… 

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Summer Stipends - 2024

Award Info:

The Summer Stipends program provides $6,000 to support continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of performance of two consecutive months.

Summer Stipends are awarded to individual scholars. Organizations are not eligible to apply.


Summer Stipends support individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both.

Eligible projects usually result in articles, monographs, books, digital materials and publications, archaeological site reports, translations, or editions. Projects… 

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Advanced Computing Systems & Services: Adapting to the Rapid Evolution of Science and Engineering Research

Award Info:

It is anticipated that, during submission cycles accepting Category I proposals, 1-3 Category I awards will be made at up to $10,000,000 per award for up to five years. During cycles accepting Category II proposals, 1-4 Category II awards will be made at up to $5,000,000 per award for up to five years.


The intent of this solicitation is to request proposals from organizations who are willing to serve as resource providers within the NSF Advanced Computing Systems and Services (ACSS) program. Resource providers would (1) provide advanced cyberinfrastructure (CI) resources in production operations… 

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Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections (ADBC) (Thematic Collections Networks )

Award Info:

Budgets for TCN proposals should reflect the scope of work proposed and should not exceed four years in duration


Thematic Collections Network (TCN) proposals will be submissions for two-to-four year awards to digitize existing specimens based on a particular research theme. This research theme may be a grand challenge for biodiversity, a part of a grand challenge, or another important research theme requiring… 

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