

Award Info:

Scholarship categories within the PODS program have been established for the three distinct phases of education and training:

PODS I – $7,500 In support of the coursework phase of post-professional doctoral studies prior to candidacy (as defined by the applicant’s institution).… 


The intent of FPTR is to fund the most highly qualified post-professional doctoral students within the applicant pool and to ensure that the physical therapy profession benefits from the commitment, scholarship, and teaching of these individuals. These scholarships will help develop a supply of post-professional,… 

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National Physical Science Consortium Graduate Fellowships

Award Info:

• Lasts for up to 6 years
• Provides an annual $20,000 expense allowance
• Covers full tuition and required fees
• Portable to 125 research universities
• Allows a research or teaching assistantship
• Paid summer internships with the sponsor
• Provides… 


Formerly known as the National Physical Science Consortium, Graduate Fellowships for STEM Diversity is a partnership between government agencies and laboratories, industry, and higher education. GFSD is open for application by all U.S. citizens regardless of race or gender. GFSD's goal is to increase… 

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Graduate Women In Science National Fellowship Program

Award Info:

Applicants may propose research projects up to 12 month. The fellowship may not be renewed. The period of the award is one academic year (July 1st through June 30th).
A maximum of $10,000 may be requested - any proposal requesting over $10,000 will be automatically disqualified.



The Graduate Women In Science (GWIS) National Fellowship Program promotes knowledge in the natural and social sciences and encourages women’s academic and professional careers in the sciences. In support of our mission to cultivate a strong global community, GWIS seeks to recognize merit-based… 

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DOE NNSA Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship

Award Info:

The DOE NNSA SSGF program provides fellows with many unique benefits:

  • A $45,000 yearly stipend.
  • Payment of full tuition and required fees during the appointment period at any accredited U.S. university.
  • An annual $2,000 academic allowance for research or… 


As part of its science and national security missions, the U.S. Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE NNSA) supports a broad spectrum of basic and applied research in science and engineering at the agency's national laboratories, at universities and in industry. Because… 

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Award Info:

Award period: Two to six months.

Award amount: $1500 per month and $2000 to cover travel costs.

Submission date: Yearly, by mid January.


To enable Ph.D. students in one country (the United States or Israel) to travel to the other country (Israel or the United States) in order to acquire new skills and techniques in their field of study. The exchange will promote collaboration between scientists of both countries and expose… 

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Dr. and Mrs. W.C. Culp Student Research Grant

Award Info:

Grant funding up to $6,000.
This funding mechanism is intended to provide salary support for students conducting summer research projects that test a new idea or help support a new area or direction of research in interventional radiology.


The Dr. and Mrs. W.C. Culp Student Research Grant is designed to foster an interest in research by funding a summer research project conducted by a medical student in an area identified by SIR Foundation as important to the advancement of interventional radiology and patient care.

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The BARD Graduate Student Fellowship

Award Info:

Award amount: $1,500 per month and $2,000 to cover travel costs.


Purpose: To enable Ph.D. students in one country (the United States or Israel) to travel to the other country (Israel or the United States) in order to acquire new skills and techniques in their field of study. The exchange will promote collaboration between scientists of both countries… 

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Predoctoral Research Fellowship

Award Info:

The fellowship award offers up to $30,000 for stipend and travel support to the AES Annual Meeting for one year, as well as a one-year AES membership. The number of awards granted each year is contingent upon available funds.


AES Predoctoral Research Fellowships support predoctoral students who are pursuing dissertation research with an epilepsy-relevant theme, and who are working under the guidance of a mentor with expertise in epilepsy research. Proposals are welcomed across the spectrum of basic, translational, and… 

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DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship

Award Info:

The DOE CSGF has defining benefits that set it apart from other science- and engineering-focused graduate fellowships:

A yearly stipend of $45,000
Payment of full tuition and required fees during the appointment period (at any accredited U.S. university)
An annual $1,000 professional… 


the Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE CSGF) provides outstanding benefits and opportunities to students pursuing doctoral degrees in fields that use high-performance computing to solve complex science and engineering problems.

The program fosters a community… 

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Department of Energy (DOE) Computational Science Graduate Fellowships

Award Info:

The DOE CSGF has defining benefits that set it apart from other science- and engineering-focused graduate fellowships:

  • A yearly stipend of $38,000
  • Payment of full tuition and required fees during the appointment period (at any accredited U.S. university)
  • An… 


Established in 1991, the Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE CSGF) provides outstanding benefits and opportunities to students pursuing doctoral degrees in fields that use high-performance computing to solve complex science and engineering problems.

The program… 

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